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Crime boss Mike Miske found dead in jail

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – Crime boss Mike Miske, 50, was found dead Sunday while awaiting sentencing at the Federal Detention Center in Honolulu.
Multiple law enforcement sources confirm he died in an apparent suicide.
Miske was found guilty in July of more than a dozen charges, including murder, as part of the sprawling criminal enterprise case against him.
In addition to murder in connection with the 2016 disappearance of Johnathan Fraser, Miske was found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire, kidnapping, attempted murder, obstruction of justice, and using a chemical weapon.
The jury also found Miske guilty of racketeering, second degree murder for the death of Johnathan Fraser and attempted murder against Joe Boy Tavares.
Miske has been in jail since his arrest four years ago.
He was scheduled to be sentenced in January.
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